Monday, September 19, 2011


Did you ever notice how TV commercials for breakfast cereal always mention vitamins and minerals? But when you think of minerals, food isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Aren't minerals something you find in the earth, like iron and quartz?Well, yes, but small amounts of some minerals are also in foods — for instance, red meat, such as beef, is a good source of iron.
Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many different functions — from building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses. Some minerals are even used to make hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat.

 But what is actually a Mineral ?

"A mineral is an element or chemical compound that is normally crystalline and that has been formed as a result of geological processes" (Nickel, E. H., 1995).

Characteristics: natural, solid, homogenous, uniform and crystalline.

Click here to see more mineral definitions.
Task 1: Create your own definition.

Where do minerals come from ?

Click here to find out.


What is the difference between organic matter and inorganic matter ?
 Click here to find out.
What is a mineral matter ?
 Find out here.
 How can you identify Minerals ? What are their physical properties ?
 Click here to find out.
  Click here to read more about minerals.
 What is the chemical composition of mineral matter ?
 Which characteristic is most important in a crystal structure?
 Check this page.
 How are minerals classified ?
Click here to see how minerals (rocks) are classified.

Everyday situations

Why are we using toilet deodorant blocks? 
What happens with their state of matter after a period of time ?

Explain this process scientifically.

Click here to find out the answer.

Click here to find out more about minerals and every day situations.
Minerals in your home

Online Games, Links and Quizzes

Rocks and Minerals

Test your knowledge and play 3 Fun-Games
Mineral Quiz - What have you learned?
Click here to find out about Mineral Facts and History

Every day usage of minerals

40 common mineral and their uses
Minerals by names