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Why do viruses kill ?
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What has oil to do with cells ?
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1. When an organism dies, do all the cells die at the same time ?

Scroll down to see the answer.

2. What is a virus ? How many viruses do you think are in that glass of water ?

- a 30000
- b 3000000
- c 300000000
- d 30000000000

3. Each time you swimm you swollow ocean water. So how about the viruses ?

Check out the answer by clicking here. (Video 1 out of 4)

4. A good part of the stuff that makes up plants and animals
-- and you -- used to be floating in the air! What is it ?

More on carbon click here.
When we die, do all the cells die at the same time ? 
If you are shot in the heart, you blood spills outside
or in your chest, your brain is not irriguated any more,
and you die quickly. Your brain cells will die in a few 
minutes, which is the cause of loss of consciousness. But 
your kidney cells will survive for twenty minutes, and 
your nail or hair cells will survive a few hours or days. 
This is linked with the cellular activity, the more 
activity, the more oxygen supply they need.
In brief, death is a general concept, and the death of a 
cell does not imply the death of the whole body. Depending 
on theuir activity, the cells are variably different 
regarding resistance to the lack of oxygen.