Thursday, October 6, 2011


Watch the videos and create a quiz. 
Blog check October 28th

After studying the unit from pages 22-39 reflect and summarize what you have learned by
designing your own blog with videos, pictures, links, quizzes 
crossword puzzles, and power point presentations.

Rocks and Minerals
What is one thing that all rocks have in common?
Where do minerals grow?
How many minerals exsist?
What is the average of  minerals consisting in one rock?
What do they mean by ingredients?

Difference between minerals and rocks
Click here to watch the video 

Elements and Minerals
What are minerals made of?
What is the difference between an element and a compound?

Why is this place so important for the construction business?
What are the minerals in granite?
What can you say about the hardness of all minerals?
How can you differenciate the hardness of 2 minerals?

Collect some rocks from your area. Create a "Scratch -o- Meter"
Bring the rocks to class. Let's find out which rock is the hardest.

The Rockcycle
Where does the rock cycle start?
The mantle is made out of .... ?
How thick is the earth's crust ?
Why is the earth's crust solid ?
What can you say about the structure of igneous rocks  ?
Remember what a cristal was ? (page 11)
What happens when a rock cools very quickly ? 

Physical weathering
Daytime - It is raining. What happens with the cracks of the rocks?
Nightime - It is freezing. What happens with the rocks?

Geology erosion and transportation
Why is he painting the rocks?
Describe their experiment?
What does he mean by "20 m in a single year"?
What could happen to piece of land they are standing on in a couple of month?
What are the results?
Where do the rocks come from?
What happend to the big stones?
What happened to the little stones?
What also gets moved due to the forces of water?

Sedimentary Rock formation
Metamorphic Rock formation
Properties of rock types
Summary of Rock Cycle

The Rock Cycle (best video)

For more detailed info about magma, igneous rocks, volcanoes and  plutons click here (illustrated)

Checklist (Do I really know ?) Test yourself and your neighbour

Can you ......

1. define the concept of rock correctly, stating some of the characteristics which differenciate rocks from
    minerals ?
2. explain the origin and characteristics of different kind of rocks and give examples ?
3. describe a rock sample correctly ? (physical character based on color, structures, mineralogic
    components, and grain size.)
4. describe the different rock formation processes, explaining how one can change into any one of the
    other three kinds ?
5. identify rock samples in your area

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